Tag Archives: Statistics

Presenting at the CScADS Workshop on Autotuning for Petascale Applications

Thanks to Rich Vuduc for inviting me to give a talk at CScADS. Autotuning is an approach for generating efficient code for high performance computing. I’ll try to summarize how my PL work can contribute to and benefit from this … Continue reading

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IBM PL Day 2010

Here are the abstract and slides for my talk at IBM PL Day. Title: Mechanizing Optimization and Statistics Abstract: Scientific and engineering investigations are formalized most often in the language of numerical mathematics. The tools supporting this are numerous but … Continue reading

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I’ll be presenting at IBM PL Day on July 29.

Abstract and slides are here.

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ICCS paper and talk slides now available.

Click here.

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Toward Interactive Statistical Modeling

Abstract When solving machine learning problems, there is currently little automated support for easily experimenting with alternative statistical models or solution strategies. This is because this activity often requires expertise from several different fields (e.g., statistics, optimization, linear algebra), and … Continue reading

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